Lulu Pic

Lulu Tian 畢業於瀋陽音樂學院舞蹈學院古典舞表演專業,畢業後赴奧地利維也納音樂學院及北京舞蹈學院進修和交流。有著豐富的舞台表演及教學經驗。曾從教於瀋陽市藝術學校,培養的很多學生考入國內高等舞蹈學院。Lulu同時執教於瀋陽市文化局藝術館,對培養業餘舞蹈愛好者也有自己獨特的方法,對不同年齡的學員都能夠有很好的溝通,因材施教。擅長古典舞、民族民間舞、當代舞及劇目編排。多次擔任省市大型晚會編導及舞蹈部份的創作與編排工作,曾在第六屆遼寧省瀋陽市藝術節獲得編導、指導教師二等獎等多項殊榮。

Lulu Tian is a graduate of the Dance Academy of Shenyang Conservatory of Music in China, with a major in Chinese Classical Dance.  After graduation, she undertook further studies and received advanced training at the Vienna Conservatory of Music in Austria and the Beijing Dance Academy.  Lulu has taught at the Shenyang Arts School, and helped many of her students embark on their journey of professional dance by getting accepted into the prestigious dance programs in the country.  She has also taught at Shenyang Cultural and Art Centre, working with students at the amateur level using her unique method.  Lulu communicates well with all ages, and excels at individualized training.  Her specialization includes: Chinese Dance (Classical, Folk, and Ethnic), Contemporary Dance and choreography.  Indeed, her talents and skills in directorship, choreography, and instructions have contributed to the success of a number of major performance events organized by the provincial and city authorities in China.  In the Sixth Cultural Festival of the Shenyang City, Lulu received awards in recognition of her distinguished directorship and instructional teaching in dance.