image44We provide students ages 4 and up the opportunity to follow the Beijing Dance Academy Chinese Dance Syllabus Examination program.The Beijing Dance Academy Chinese Dance Syllabus Examination program is divided into 13 grades.  Grades 1 to 10 are suitable for students ages 4 to 15.  Grades 11 to 13 are suitable for students ages 14 to 18 who are interested in semi-professional training.The curriculum for Grades 1 to 13 includes: training in Chinese classical, folk, and ethnic (Han, Tibetan, Mongolian, Uighur, Korean, Dai, Miao, Yi) dance; technique and rhythm awareness.  Through such training, students will gain a strong understanding of dance and dance technique, which will help develop their artistic abilities and improve their physical health.Students who pass the Beijing Dance Academy Chinese Dance Syllabus Examinations will receive:-a certificate from the Beijing Municipal Education Commission-a maximum of 12 Fine Arts credits as recognized by the B.C. Ministry of Education that will count towards high school graduation in British Columbia (4 credits each for passing Grades 7, 8, 9)For full details, please click here for the Ministry of Education’s webpage. Students who wish to take the Chinese Dance Syllabus Examinations must first be recommended by a Chinese dance teacher who is certified by the Beijing Dance Academy (one of which is Tracy Yue).


image40jpg中国舞(古 典舞、民族舞、民间舞)另专设北京舞蹈学院中国舞考级课程 (4岁以上)北京舞蹈學院中國舞分級考試共分十三級:1—10級為普及教材,適合4—15歲學生學習,11—13級是半專業教材,適合14—18歲學生學習。教材編制由淺入深,初級教材生動活潑,由歌帶舞,引導幼童在規範要求中歌舞不倦。1—13級教材內容包括:中國古典舞基訓和身韻、中國民族、民間舞(漢、藏、蒙古、維吾爾、朝鮮、傣、苗、彝族)及技巧和音樂節奏訓練。因此,通過孩子對中國舞蹈的系統學習與訓練,不僅能夠使孩子們獲得舞蹈知識與技能,提高孩子認識美、掌握美、展現美的藝術品質,還能夠促進其身心健康發展,從而更加健康美麗。學生通過考試將獲取中國北京市教育局頒發文憑,BC省教育局承認此北京舞蹈學院中國舞考級課程為海外唯一中國舞課程,將其劃入中學FineArts自選課程內,所得學分將記入高中畢業成績總分。凡通過7,8,9三級考試的學生,將會每級獲得4個學分,共12個學分。可用作報考大學學分。請参考教育局網頁。 參加考試的各級學生,必須由獲得北京舞蹈學院中國舞考級中心所頒發的《教師資格證書》的教師推薦。(岳瑩老師是北京舞蹈學院註冊中國舞教師)