Mona Lai從三歲開始習舞,在十五歲時通過北京舞蹈學院中國舞最高等級考試 – 十三級。現為北京舞蹈學院中國舞等级考試注册教師。在香港演藝學院習舞期間,曾被甄選為學生代表參與上海文化藝術節交流演出,其後與香港舞蹈團參演大型舞蹈劇《西遊記》。在溫哥華本拿比山中學讀書期間,創立中國舞蹈學會,一人擔任課程編排、編舞和授課的工作。Mona在2011年進入岳莹舞蹈學院,任舞蹈教师,主要教授中國舞。她以嚴謹活潑的教學風格,深受學生和家長的好評。同時也是VBDW温哥華青年當代舞蹈團的演員。在Raise the Barre Dance Competition及Surrey Festival of Dance民族舞和古典舞獨舞組別中奪得冠軍和亞軍。
Mona started dancing at the age of three. She completed the top grade (Grade 13) of the Beijing Dance Academy Graded Chinese Dance Examination Syllabus (CDEC) at the age of 15and is now a certified teacher of the CDED. During her dance study at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Art, Mona was selected to collaborate with the Hong Kong Dance Company in the large-scale dance performance “Journey to the West” and as a student representative for the “Shanghai Cultural and Arts Festival”. In Vancouver, Mona founded the Chinese Dance Club at Burnaby Mountain Secondary School, whereshe worked for the course planning, teaching and choreographing. Mona joined the Vancouver Beauty Dance World as a Chinese dance teacher in 2011. Her teaching excellence is greatly appreciated by students and teachers. Apart from teaching, Mona is also a performer of the VBDW Vancouver Youth Dance Company. She is the 1st place and 2nd place winner in the National Solo Category of the Raise the Barre Dance Competition and Surrey Festival of Dance respectively.