Tracy Yue pic


岳瑩曾參與各種大型綜合晚會演出,包括CCTV春節晚會及1999年世界體操錦標賽開幕式領舞。在大型民族舞劇《精衛填海》中出演「精衛」。2004年溫哥華首部華人自編自導的音樂舞臺劇《冤家路寬》中,獨立擔任全部十段不同風格舞蹈編導及排練工作。亦曾被多次邀请担任 “The Pacific West Performing Arts Festival” 中國舞比賽的評委。岳瑩不僅在舞蹈領域的編、導、演、教有非常豐富的經驗,更參與策劃組織2014年第六屆中國國際廣告模特大賽,擔任北美賽區總導演,並受聘為北京全球總決賽的評委。

Vancouver Beauty Dance World-岳瑩舞蹈藝術學院創辦於2008年(列治文),並於2010年在高貴林開設分校。連續六年舉辦《激情舞躍》大型舞蹈晚會,師生同台獻藝。在2010年岳瑩更成功完成《舞動的楓葉》個人舞蹈專場晚會。在2013年3月,更藉著在列治文慶祝學校5週年的舞蹈晚會,為加拿大白求恩協會籌款,去改善在中國偏遠山區人士的醫療環境和設施。在過去數年間,經學校培養輔導的學生在舞蹈考級中成績優異,更在多個舞蹈,選美及才藝比賽中屢獲大獎。

With teacher certification from the Beijing Dance Academy, Tracy Yue is a young choreographer and educational performing artist who has rich experience in both stage performance and dance teaching.  In addition to Chinese classical and folk dance, she specializes in ballet and contemporary dance.

Tracy participated as the lead dancer in a variety of major art shows, including: the CCTV Chinese Spring Festival Gala, the opening ceremony of the 1999 Artistic Gymnastic World Championships, and the renowned Chinese folk dance drama “Jinwei Reclamation”.  In 2004, she was the sole choreographer and instructor of the ten dances of “When conflicts meet love” – the first musical drama directed by the Chinese community in Vancouver.  She has years of acclaimed experience in the dance arena that includes choreography, direction, performing, and teaching, and has been the adjudicator for the Pacific West Performing Arts Festival for several years.  She exhibits outstanding directorship in planning and operation of the China International Advertising Model North America Regional Contest in June 2014, which cumulates in her appointment as an adjudicator in the final contest held in Beijing.

Tracy’s dance school, the Vancouver Beauty Dance World, was founded in 2008 in Richmond and the new campus in Coquitlam was opened in 2010.  “Dancing Passion”-the school’s premier performance-showcases the skills and talents of both teachers and students impeccably.  In 2010, Tracy delivered her personal dance performance “Dancing Maple” with overwhelming success.  In March 2013, as part of the 5th anniversary celebrations, the school collaborated with Bethune Baiqiuen Canadian Alliance to raise funds for improving the medical facilities in the rural areas of China.  Over these years, Tracy has worked closely with her students to help realize their dreams – winning titles in a number of beauty pageants and awards in varied dance competitions.