Vivian Liu pic

Vivian Liu 原中國南京軍區政治部文工團,專業舞蹈演員。曾多次隨團赴歐洲及東南亞文化交流演出,並參與CCTV春節晚會舞蹈《小城雨巷》的演出。具有豐富的舞台表演經驗。移民溫哥華後,全身心投入到舞蹈教學工作上,繼續延續她的舞蹈夢想。目前任學院舞蹈教師,主要教授芭蕾及中國舞。


Vivian Liu was formerly a professional dance performer with the Art Troupe of Nanking.  She has performed with the troupe in various cultural exchange events in Europe and Southeast Asia, and participated in the dance “Rainy Alley” at the CCTV Chinese Spring Festival Gala.  Vivian has extensive experience in stage performance.  After immigrating to Vancouver, she devoted herself to dance instructions, keeping her dance dreams high and alive.  Currently, Vivian teaches both Ballet and Chinese dance in our academy.